Safety Measures
What we are doing to keep our students and staff safe
We understand that change is hard. This year will be challenging. It will take a lot of patience, a lot of flexibility and most importantly, a lot of respect and love.
We feel truly blessed to have the best parents to work with. Together will be make sure our student's lights shine bright!

New Policies Procedures
The Staff at Tiny Tutus has been working diligently to keep our students, families and parents safe. Please read through ALL of our policies and procedures. If you are still feeling hesitant or do not agree with the safety measures we have in place, we urge you to register for one of our virtual classes or wait until you feel fully confident in joining in-studio classes. We understand that times are difficult for everyone so we have kept our rates the same as last year. However, due to the enhanced safety measures we need to take, some of our policies/class times have changed.
Drop off/Pick Up
Do not come early/Do not come late! In order to safely get our students to and from class, we ask that you show up on time to the start/end of class and stand in our designated drop off/ pick up line. If you are early, please wait in your car until it is time for class. Our bathrooms are not open to the public and can not be used as a dressing room. Students must come to class completely ready. No exceptions.
Our class times have been staggered to reduce the amount of people dropping off and picking up at one time. Our class times have also been reduced by ten minutes with a five minute buffer (Tutu and Starlet levels) to ensure the safety of our students. We will have a detailed video along with specific instructions coming soon!
We ask that parents make every effort to purchase dance wear needs through our website first rather than in-studio. For orders placed online, a staff member will call you when your order is ready and set up a pick up time with you at our Union Street location. If you require assistance or need shoes sized, please call the staff to coordinate a time to stop in. For the safety of all, only two customers can be accommodated at one time, so you may have to wait outside or in the car.
All shoes must be tried on with a staff member before taking home. All other merchandise (except tights) can be tried on at home and Tiny Tutus will accept returns and exchanges for items that do not fit properly. For sanitary reasons and to limit shopping time, our bathrooms will not be available as a fitting room.
Class Sizes- Class Options
All class sizes will be reduced and floors will be marked with tape to provide each dancer with their own personal dance area, spaced 6 feet apart. Additionally, each dancer will have a taped spot for their dance bag, spaced 6 feet apart.
Ten virtual class spots will be available for selected Recital Track and 8 Week Course classes through Zoom. TV monitors will be installed in each dance room so virtual students can interact with their teacher and classmates during class. We will not offer virtual tumble classes for safety reasons.
Safety- Students/Staff
Tiny Tutus has implemented the following safety and sanitary measures:
-Virtual class spots for students who are not ready for in-person instruction
-Closed waiting room to reduce exposure to families, students and staff
-Implementation of virtual waiting room
-Eliminate use of studio hand props during class
-Studio Plan and Virtual plan in case of government shutdown or studio closure
-All Staff will wear a mask at all times
-All customers must wear a mask inside Tiny Tutus
-All students 2 and older will wear a mask during class
-Marked dance spaces on each dance floor
-Marked spots for dance bags on each dance floor
-Touchless hand sanitizer- all classes will sanitize before and after class
-Touchless soap dispensers in bathrooms
-Safety barriers at the front desk
-Touchless hand sanitizer at the front desk
-Temperature checks will be recorded for staff and students
-Limited class sizes
-Staggered class times
-Shortened class times to ensure safe entrances and exits to class
-Modified Pick up/Drop off procedures
-Classroom doors/windows will be opened to increase ventilation as long as weather permits
-Floors, mats, barres, handles, surfaces will be cleaned between all classes
-Bathrooms will be cleaned after each use
-Both locations will be professionally cleaned weekly from top to bottom using a hospital grade 3 step disinfectant process.
-Installed air purification system in HVAC systems in both locations
Parents/ Waiting Room
Tiny Tutus will be utilizing the platform Zoom for both online instruction as well as an online waiting room for parents to watch class from the comfort of their car or home (or wherever!). Each class will be assigned one Zoom code for the season. 8 Week Course classes will receive a new Zoom code each session.
No tuition refunds will be issued after September 1st. If at any time you wish to discontinue, we ask that you finish out the quarter or 8 week session then you will not be obligated to continue once the quarter/session has ended.
Studio Plan
We will begin the 2020-21 Season offering in-studio and virtual spots for most of our classes, but will transition to the Virtual Plan in the event of a government shutdown or studio closure.
-Recital Track Students: all participating students (in-studio and virtual) must attend class for the entire fall season (all 4 quarters with no account freezes) to be eligible to participate in the 2021 Recital. This includes moving to virtual instruction, if necessary. Families who choose to not participate in virtual instruction will not be able to re-register for a recital track class or participate in the recital once we transition back to the Studio Plan. In-studio students may attend class virtually if they are not feeling well or for other reasons (tuition rate will remain the same). Virtual students may contact the office if they wish to switch to in-studio instruction ONLY if there is a spot open in the class (tuition rate will be adjusted if switched to in-studio).
-8 Week Students: We will begin the 2020-21 Season offering in-studio and virtual spots for most of our classes, but will transition to the Virtual Plan in the event of a government shutdown or studio closure. In-studio students may attend class virtually if they are not feeling well or for other reasons (tuition rate will remain the same). Virtual students may contact the office if they wish to switch to in-studio instruction ONLY if there is a spot open in the class (tuition rate will be adjusted if switched to in-studio).
Virtual Plan
In the event of a government shutdown or studio closure, all classes will transition to virtual instruction. At this time, all students will utilize their assigned Zoom code to access class at the regularly scheduled class time. For example, if your class time is Monday at 4:00, you will log in to your class each week on Monday at 4:00.
If after two weeks of virtual instruction, we are still on the Virtual Plan, each student will receive a credit for the difference of Virtual and In-Studio tuition. Families who choose to not participate in virtual learning after two weeks, may freeze their account and receive a credit for the balance of the quarter to use toward future classes. Credits will not be given before the built-in two weeks of virtual learning via the Virtual Plan. Refunds for tuition will not be issued after September 1st even under the Virtual Plan.
Recital Plans
There are two plans in place for Recital 2021:
As of now, we plan to hold a traditional recital with costumes (Option A); however, costumes will need to be paid for by November 8th and ordered by December to be received in time for recital.
That being said, the decision to continue with Option A recital will need to be made by November 1st. If, by November 1st, it is uncertain or if costumes are not a viable option for recital, we will switch to Option B- a recital or performance (whichever is allowed by May) with class wear or other alternative “costumes”.