We are so excited to be getting back to class. There are a few different procedures this year so please make sure to read thoroughly so we are all prepared for a fun start to our dance year!!
Be Prepared!

Get your gear! Sept 8th and 10th from 4:00-7:00.
Email us at tinytutusdancecenter@gmail.com to schedule appointment times:
-Click on this link to access important information regarding pricing, policies and important dates for the 2020-2021.
Since registration opened, some class details such as location and time have been adjusted. Please login to your Parent Portal to confirm. day/time/location of your class.
-Each location has parking specifications (as most places in Moorestown!), and we would like parents to be aware before classes begin!
Union Street parking: 301 Union Street in Moorestown. Please use our parking lot (located directly behind our building) or street parking along Union Street and 3rd Street. Please do not park in the Church Street Station office parking lots (this includes the gravel lot where the dumpster is located), or in the Mill Street Tires parking lot. You will get towed.
Main Street parking: 115R Main Street in Moorestown. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT TINY TUTUS ENTRANCE IS BEHIND MAIN STREET, FACING 2ND STREET. The parking lot is located off 2nd Street. Our entrance is located in back of building right next to the Running Co.
Dress Code Lists: -8 Week Course Dress Code
-Labeling- to ensure all dancers come home with their own belongings, please put their name in shoes and on dance bag.
Get your dance wear and shoes BEFORE you begin by visiting the studio during this week's office hours listed above. If you can't make these times, you must make an appointment or purchase online at our boutique. We can only accommodate one parent at at time at Union Street, so if you need to purchase items and do not have an appointment while we are taking care of a customer, we will take your number and ask that you wait outside or in your car until it is your turn. -Tiny Tutus has all of your dance needs! Get your gear at our Union Street location or order online at Tutus Boutique here. Please read Covid procedures above. -Please note: shoes MUST be tried on with a Tutus employee before taking home. Leotards and skirts may be tried on at home and exchanged or returned. Tight can not be exchanged or returned once the package is opened. 5. PARENT PORTAL
Parent Portal- ALL registered students have accounts and log-in information. To access your account, follow the steps below to view enrollments, make payments, register for classes and more! — Registered students Click here — Type in username (email) — Type in password Can't remember log-in info? Contact the office and we will resend your Parent Portal link to reset your password.
__New Students click here to create an account

Drop off/Pick Up
Do not come early/Do not come late! In order to safely get our students to and from class, we ask that you show up on time to the start/end of class and stand in our designated drop off/pick up line. If you are early, please wait in your car until it is time. Our bathrooms are not open to the public and can not be used as a dressing room. Students must come to class completely ready. No exceptions.

Class Times Adjusted
Our class times have been staggered to reduce the amount of people dropping off and picking up at one time. Class times have also been reduced by ten minutes with a five minute buffer (Tutu and Starlet levels) to ensure the safety of our students. We will have a detailed video along with specific instructions coming soon!

Dance Check In
Parents will no longer check their dancer in on the Ipad. This will be done by our staff as students arrive. Every dancer will have their temperature taken and recorded at the front door by Tiny Tutus Staff. Parent is then free to wait in the car and observe class via Zoom. Students will sanitize their hands and change into their dance shoes before entering the classroom.The bottom of hip-hop students' sneakers will be wiped with sanitizing wipes and/or sprayed with Lysol before entering the room.

Virtual Classes/Virtual Waiting Room
Parents will be receiving Zoom Meeting links for their dancer's class(es) through email this week. These links will be used all year for dancer's to attend virtually and also for parent's to watch class virtually. All parents should choose the "hide" option so that the teacher only sees her students.

The zoom class code will be the same every week- save it in your notes or somewhere safe where you can copy and paste it into your browser each week!
Some tips:
-Just click on the link to join! You don't need a zoom account to attend a meeting!
-Zoom meetings seem to work best on a computer so all participants can be seen on one screen. Cell phones will rotate faces on the screen, one at a time.
-On your class day/time, just click on the link to join! If you can't see yourself right away, look for the camera icon to enable your camera so everyone can see you!
Troubleshooting with Zoom: Double check your device, internet connection and most importantly, that you have the correct Zoom link! If you are not sure of your link, please check with the staff by emailing us at tinytutusdancecenter@gmail.com. We can not guarantee that staff will be available to troubleshoot or give you the link at the last minute, so please set up early. Set up your device so that your dancers whole body can be seen and make sure the view is wide enough so they are seen when moving around.
Hiding Parents: By clicking on the three dots on one of the participants squares, and in the drop down, it will say Hide Non-Video Participants so that only the students are visible on the screen. On an iPad you will click the three dots in the top right corner and then click meeting settings then Hide Non-Video Participants. Please practice this before classes begin.
Tappers! We know it is hard to tap at home, so we have some suggestions for the performance so we can hear those sounds: hard floor samples/remnants, hard plastic or even cardboard. These are just suggestions, not requirements!
