Dear Parents,
Please read this information all the way through so you and your dancer feel prepared for the best experience possible! It's a lot of information, but we feel it will reduce any confusion and answer most questions about the event.
APRIL 29-May 4
The last 15 minutes of this class parents will be invited into the classroom where your teacher will go over all things recital! We ask that every parent attends so each family is prepared for the big day! Feel free to ask any questions during this meeting or email us at tinytutusdancecenter@gmail.com
Last week of classes are May 6-May 11
T-Shirts, REcital Bouquets, Bears, VIDEOS & Programs: When to Pick Up
If you purchased a recital tee shirt, bear or bouquet your order will be available May 5th during rehearsal at the Information Desk in the front lobby at Holy Cross HS.
Any item not picked up by rehearsal will be available for pick-up the last week of classes.
There will be a limited supply t-shirts and bouquets for sale at
rehearsals and recitals. This is only while supplies last.
-Recital Programs: Day of the recital. Every family will receive 2 recital programs. They will be given to each family at the Information Desk the day of recital AFTER you check your dancer in at the Dancer Check-in table. You must visit the Information Desk in order to receive your programs. The programs will also be available via QR Code for online viewing.
-Recital Videos: Don't forget to purchase your video(s)! Now available for purchase at Tutus Boutique. Videos will be sent via email once they are complete. This takes 6-8 weeks.
Recital Tickets
-Recital Tickets: Click on the following link to purchase your recital tickets. THE LAST DAY TO PURCHASE ONLINE IS MAY 17TH at noon. After that, tickets will only be available at the door for $25 each, cash only.

Rehearsal and Recital Location

All rehearsals and recitals will take place at Holy Cross Prep Academy
located at:
5035 US-130
Delran, NJ 08075

Map of Holy Cross Campus
For Rehearsal and Recital, Dancers and Audience will enter the building using separate entrances to help reduce crowding. Directional signs will be placed outside to help you find where to go. More details below!
Rehearsal Procedures
You should arrive BY YOUR CALL TIME!! Check here for call time: https://www.tinytutusdancecenter.com/_files/ugd/b667b2_c6c8b8044660449593f201983a57d41f.pdf
Sign your child in at the Dancer Check-in Desk by their rehearsal call time. We need time to get the children organized to start promptly!
Come to rehearsal with student in full costume and hair already done. Hair does not need to be perfect for rehearsal. Make up is not necessary. You can come a little early to rehearsal to give yourself time to park, take your child to the bathroom and find Dancer Check-in, but you should be checking your dancer in at the assigned rehearsal time. WE CAN NOT WAIT FOR LATECOMERS! MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD GOES TO THE BATHROOM BEFORE CHECKING IN!
2. Follow signage outside to find the "Dancer's Entrance". See picture for location- dancers have a separate entrance than audience! This will be the same for rehearsal and recital.

3. Have all shoes and costume pieces clearly marked with dancer's name and packed in their garment bag with hanger. That is all they need! DO NOT SEND SNACKS OR WATER. We will have water bottles backstage if needed.
4. At Dancer Check-in:
-Tutu level students will receive a wristband and parents will receive a note card that will match dancer to the parent for when they are done rehearsing their dance(s).
-Starlet level students will receive a sticker with their name (that will be placed on their garment bag) and parents will receive a note card with dancer's name that will be used to match dancer to parent for when they are done rehearsing their dance(s).
-Prima level parents will receive a note card with dancer's name that will be used to match dancer to parent for when they are done rehearsing their dance(s).
5. Your dancer will be escorted to the backstage dressing room to meet their classmates. Each class will have a staff member assigned to them to help change shoes for each dance as well as escort them to the bathroom (if needed), on and off the stage and then to Dancer Check-in when done dancing.
***New this year! Combo class students (Tutu and Starlet levels) will not change accessories for all dances. They will stay in their first dance accessories and only change their shoes to save time. We still want parents to bring ALL of their costume pieces and shoes so staff can check them backstage. The Backstage Manager may only change the accessories of one dancer per class to practice the complete look for each dance.***
6. After checking in dancer, parent will need to exit the building and follow signs for "Audience Entrance" to enter the main entrance of Holy Cross. Have a seat in the auditorium- announcements will be made, and rehearsal will start.

7. Once your child has practiced their class routine(s), you are free to leave! You do not need to wait until the end of the rehearsal. Backstage helpers will gather dancers’ belongings and bring them back to the Dancer Check-In area to meet you. Don’t Forget Your Card!
**Remember if dancer has 1 dance, go immediately to Dancer Check-in to pick them up. If they have 2 or more dances, wait until they have practiced all their routines.**
8. Parents are welcome to video and take pictures at the rehearsal. We do ask that there are no flashes used as this is dangerous for our dancers on stage. There is NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY OR VIDEOS AT THE RECITAL!
Finale will NOT be rehearsed at rehearsal.
Recital Procedures
Students should arrive 30-45 MINUTES BEFORE SHOW TIME. Please arrive in costume, with make-up on and hair completely done.

1. To avoid crowding at Dancer Check-in, please have ONE parent bring dancer to the Dancer Check-in table (same location as rehearsal- follow signs for "Dancer Entrance"). All other audience members will follow "Audience Entrance" signs to enter the auditorium. Dancer should be completely ready with all belongings in their garment bag (s). We ask that every dancer brings a garment bag! Please make sure your dancer goes to the bathroom BEFORE bringing them to recital!
2. At Dancer Check-in:
-Tutu level students will receive a wristband and parents will receive a note card that will allow you to pick them up at Dancer Check-in after the show.
-Starlet level students will receive a sticker with their name (that will be placed on their garment bag) and parents will receive a note card with dancer's name that will allow you to pick them up at Dancer Check-in after the show.
-Prima level parents will receive a note card with dancer's name that will will allow you to pick them up at Dancer Check-in after the show.
**Dancers will stay backstage until the end of the show and parent will stay seated in auditorium until the show concludes.**
3. Your dancer will be escorted to the backstage dressing room to meet their classmates. Each class will have a staff member assigned to them to help change for each dance as well as escort them to the bathroom (if needed), on and off the stage and then to Dancer Check-in after the show.
4. After checking in dancer, parent will need to exit the building and follow signs for "Audience Entrance" to enter the main entrance of Holy Cross and into the auditorium.
5. Upon entering, parents can visit the Information Desk to pick up your Recital Programs.
6. While in the audience, we ask that you turn off cell phones and that there is no eating or drinking.
Sit back, relax and enjoy the show!
7. Once the show is over, all students will be escorted to the Dancer Check-in area for pick up.
8. Picking up your dancer- ONLY THE PARENT WITH THE NOTE CARD will go to the Dancer Check-in area to pick up dancer. Other guests can proceed to the Photo Op Station located in the grass by the Dancer Check-in .
9. At Dancer Pick-up, your dancer will be waiting with their belongings and this year's Recital Medal! Parent note cards will be matched with dancers, then you are free to go! Please allow time for this process. This is a time to show patience and appreciation for our backstage volunteers that worked so hard to make the show run smoothly and to keep your children safe!
10. Before leaving, please stop by the Photo Op Station to capture pictures to help commemorate your dancer's special day! We ask that the Photo Op Station be used for dancers who are finished dancing - not upon arrival- as this will interfere with the flow of the event.
Parents- we are truly grateful for your continued support and cooperation this season! With that in mind, please respect the process and remember how hard the kids have worked to get here! We must all show lots of patience and grace in order to make this day go smoothly, and most importantly, special and memorable for our dancers!
What Dancers Should Bring
We ask that every dancer brings a garment bag!

All dancers will need to arrive IN COSTUME completely ready- hair and makeup done. Please bring all costume pieces, props and shoes in a garment bag with hanger with their NAME CLEARLY LABELED on the outside. This will help staff move dancers quickly to and from backstage to Dancer Check-in when they are done. If they have more than one costume change, please bring additional costumes in a garment bag as well.
Make-up is totally up to your discretion. Our dancers do like to feel special for performance day, so even a little can add an element of excitement (and will help so they don't get "washed out" by stage lighting)! You might consider applying any combination of powder, blush, eye shadow, lipstick and mascara for the show, but it is not mandatory.
Do not pack food or water. Please make sure your dancer eats a healthy meal before their show and have them use the bathroom ahead of time! There will not be time to eat during the show and we will provide mini water bottles backstage if needed. If your dancer is in multiple shows, they may pack a water bottle and snack for in between shows. No peanuts please. If your dancer has any unique needs, we are happy to accommodate. Please email us at tinytutusdancecenter@gmail.com
Please make sure your dancer goes to the bathroom BEFORE sending them backstage!
Emergency Contact

If any emergency should arise or you need to contact us the day of the show; please email us as this will be the fastest way to reach us at tinytutusdancecenter@gmail.com
This is for emergencies only. Thank you!
Practice & Prep!
Every little bit helps! Practicing at home for the next few weeks will really help boost your dancer's confidence before the big day!
Visit the Google Drive to access practice music and videos of each dance. Click here: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1Ah1hgWsoXZUnpNqWPelOIje_tkglATcD
and have your dancer put on their own recital at home!
